Learn how to work with th ZooLib C++ cross-platform application framework, why you would want to, and where to ask for help.
The MIT License was chosen to be compatible with both proprietary and Open Source software development, as well as being compatible with the GNU General Public License, so that ZooLib may be used for Free Software as well.
You need not entrust the economic survival of your business to operating systems vendors who do not serve the needs of their developers.
A step-by-step guide to implementing various kinds of typical cross-platform applications.
This is the programmer's reference manual, with detailed description of each of ZooLib's classes, member functions and data types.
A simple example to help you get started.
Detailed demonstrations some of ZooLib's more commonly-used features.
You can build ZooLib with Apple Xcode, Microsoft Visual Studio, Metrowerks CodeWarrior and GNU Make.
You're welcome to ask for help from ZooLib's developers - we promise not to just tell you to Read The Fine Manual.
ZooLib's revision control is being transitioned from SourceForge's CVS repository to Subversion. It is being extensively refactored as the sources are moved over, so the current production code is presently the CVS version.
Knowledge Forum, ZooLib's flagship application, is a cross-platform client/server multimedia database that can serve thousands of simultaneous users.
Some features required by any cross-platform application framework are yet to be implemented. For example, because ZooLib is used on Linux mainly for server applications, its POSIX / X11 support is lacking some important user interface widgets.